1C: Hotel 8
Provision of a program for automation of business accounting in the field of hospitality. Convenient, powerful solution for hotels, boarding houses, recreation complexes. The program is distinguished by an easy-to-learn user interface, high productivity and flexible settings. |
Only 1C: Hotel at the same time:
The post-reservation arrangement has been designed to reduce check-in time. For group entry, the hotel can accommodate two guests with one click.
The placement search can be by room number, by the first letters of the last name, by reservation number, etc. All operations with the guest are supported - extension, transfer, departure. The program automatically calculates the departure delay fee for hours or half a day, all the administrator needs to show the departure time in the program. It can also set up an automatic calculation for early entry.
The program tracks all changes related to the placement of the guest, which allows you not only to say who, where and what was changed, but to return to the original parameters at any time. The choice of rooms allows you to quickly find a free room for a guest. The selection reflects:
There are two settlement contours in the program - with guests, individuals, and with partners, legal entities. A personal account is opened for each guest upon arrival, which includes all services. A guest can have multiple accounts, services can be split between these accounts. |
Ieskaitījumi Pakalpojumi pēc tarifa uz viesa kontu tiek ieskaitīti automātiski. Ja tiek pieslēgti interfeisi ar iekšējām sistēmām, piemēram ar telefonu sarunu tarifikatoru vai ar restorānu, tad pakalpojumi var tikt ieskaitīti automātiski caur interfeisu. Tiek atbalstīti arī ieskaitījumi manuāli un grupas ieskaitījumi pēc visiem viesu grupas kontiem.
Korekcija Korekcija tiek izmantota, lai noņemtu pakalpojumu no viesa konta, viesa bilance tiek samazināta, bet korekcijas operācija fiksējas un tiek iekļauta audita atskaitē par korekcijām. Dotā operācija var tikt aizliegta atsevišķiem lietotājiem.
Ieskaitījumu pārnese no konta uz kontu Dotā operācija tiek izmantota lai apvienotu/sadalītu kontus. Kasieris var viegli daļu no pakalpojumiem izdalīt uz atsevišķu kontu, apmaksāt un izdrukāt viesim rēķinu tikai ar izvēlētajiem pakapojumiem. Programmā var iestatīt ieskaitījumu likumus automātiskajai pakalpojumu sadalīšanai. Piemēram, var iestatīt noteikumu, pēc kura viesu telefona sarunas vienmēr tiks ieskaitītas uz atsevišķa konta. |
Depozīta pārnešana Viesa priekšapmaksas atlikums var būt pārnests uz citu kontu vai ieskaitīts kā apmaksa par pakalpojumiem no tā paša viesa cita konta. Piekļuves tiesībās var ievadīt dažādus ierobežojumus uz šo funkciju.
Apmaksa Rēķins var tikt apmaksāts, kā skaidrā, tā bezskaidrā naudā ar kredītkarti, vai kādā citā apmaksas veidā. Kontā var būt ieskaitīta priekšapmaksa vai rēķins var būt apmaksāts daļēji. Priekšapmaksa var tikt ieskaitīta kā pēc rezervācijas, tā arī pie iebraukšanas.
Atgriešana Tiek atbalstītas dažādas atgriešanas noformēšanas shēmas ar visu nepieciešamo dokumentu izdruku. Visos dokumentos jau aizpildīti visi dati, viesim tikai nepieciešams to parakstīt.
Rēķina druka Viesa rēķins tiek drukāts dažādās valodās. Krievu un angļu valoda tiek iekļauta pamata versijā, drukas formas citās valodās var būt izstrādātas pēc pasūtījuma. |
Viesnīcu istabu servisa modulis ļauj plānot un kontrolēt istabenes darbu, kā arī kontrolēt numuriņu statusu.
Numuriņu statusi tiek iestatīti atkarībā no novākšanas tehnoloģijas, kas pieņemta viesnīcā. Piemēram, var izmantot tikai 2 statusus – tīrs/netīrs, kā arī var iestatīt pilnu ķēdi “aizņemts->netīrs->notiek tīrīšana->inspekcija->tīrs”. Statusa uzstādīšanai numuriņiem var izmantot ATS, tas nozīmē, ka istabene pēc numuriņa uzkopšanas var ievadīt speciālu kodu telefonā numuriņā, un programma nomainīs statusu uz “tīrs”. Īpaši efektīvi izmantot ATS, kad istabene ievada savu personas kodu. Šajā gadījumā programma var vest statistiku pēc darbu veidiem un pa darbiniekiem – kā rezultātā var saņemt atbildi, kurā būs norādīts, kas, cik un kādus darbus izpildīja.
Pēc darbu veidiem tiek iestatīti izejmateriālu norakstīšanas normatīvi, piemēram, dvieļi un gultas veļa – kā rezultātā sanāk atskaite par veļas un citu materiālu izlietošanu saskaņā ar izpildīto darbu faktu.
Programmā var iestatīt istabeņu darba laika grafiku, kas tiek izmantots darbu plānošanai.
Darbu plāns tiek veidots balstoties uz pašreizējo noslogojumu, numuriņu statusu, viesu iebraukšanu/izbraukšanu. Rezultātā katra istabene iegūst numuriņu izdruku ar darbu veidu izdruku. |
Programmā tiek paredzētas visu veidu un visu lietotāju atskaites – sākot no operatīvajām atskaitēm personālam, beidzot ar analītiskajām un kopsavilkuma atskaitēm vadībai. Paredzēti grafiki un diagrammas, kas ļauj pārskatāmi novērtēt viesnīcas darbu.
Atskaites programmā ir iestatāmas – katram lietotājam vai lietotāja lomai programmā var iestatīt savu atskaišu pārskatu.
Jebkuru iestatījumu var saglabāt kā atskaites šablonu, lai varētu iegūt nepieciešamos datus pareizā veidā, nepievēršoties katru reizi pie atskaites iestatījumiem.
Reglamentēto uzdevumu sistēma programmā pieļauj iestatīt uzsākšanu, izpildīšanu un nosūtīšanu pa e-pastu ikdienas kontroles atskaites automātiskajā režīmā. Vadītājs katru rītu saņems gala atskaites par iepriekšējo dienu Excel vai html formātos, un tam nav nepieciešama cilvēka piedalīšanās. |
Hotel Front-Office:
hotel room entry history guests staying in a hotel for the current time by room; guests who stayed in the hotel for the current time by groups; actual entry to today by room; actual entry to today by groups; free numbers, partially occupied numbers; actual departure to today; planned entry to today; planned entry for tomorrow; planned departure by the end of the day; number congestion; debtors; planned departure for tomorrow; number blocking history; price lists;
Hotel room service:
a summary of the services provided; payments; deposit transfer mechanism; credit transfer mechanism; a summary of guests from the counterparty by groups; a summary of guests from the counterparty by number; implementation of accounting services; current implementation of services; a summary of the services provided by the contractors; sale of number quotas; mutual settlement balance with counterparties; mutual settlement balance with counterparties; detailed balance of mutual settlements with counterparties; control of payment of issued invoices.
The program includes a connection module for electronic locks. When installing an electronic lock system, an interface is installed in the PMS system. The interface with the electronic lock system serves 2 purposes:
This program also comes with data integration module 1C: Hotel and Accounting.
Working with the module is maximally simplified, no special skills are required from the accountant. There is no need to unload anything in the file and then load it. The accountant has only one button - "Load", everything else is done automatically by the system. In addition, the "Nomenclature" and "Contrastants" catalogs are synchronized.
Only the finished “Sales of Goods and Services” documents are loaded in the accounting, the analytics according to the accounting records is set once and is used in the next loader. Acceptance-transfer acts are formatted in the program automatically. The formatting policy is set at the discretion of the accountant. Possible formatting options:
on departure, a separate deed and invoice for each guest;
on departure, a separate deed and invoice for each group of guests (reservation number);
for departure, one invoice for each contractor, including the services of all guests, for all groups who left for the day;
after the fact of the service, that is, all daily credits are grouped according to the counterparties in the invoice and are transferred to the accounts, regardless of the guest's status;
in addition, the end of the month can be set in such a way that, after arriving at the end of the month and not yet departing, an invoice is formed with the amount of services provided during that month.
Often hotels offer guests breakfast included in the room rate.
To plan the work of the restaurant, it is possible to print special reports.
For example, every morning a report is created for the restaurant "Breakfast to Today", which shows the total number of breakfasts, as well as a list of guests who were given breakfast.
Similarly, the program also sets reports for lunch and dinner if they are included in the tariff or sold as additional services. |
All work with guest orders is done in the restaurant system - the order is entered into the system, the cook is printed on the kitchen printer, the payment is made, etc. The order at the restaurant can be paid for in cash, or it can be charged to the guest's hotel and the guest will pay for all services at the reception. To provide this possibility, a special interface is provided for the exchange between the restaurant and the reception.
When closing the order, the customer presents a guest card. This card is requested from the hotel data - information about the name, room number, length of stay and current guest balance is received. If the information is received and the guest's balance does not exceed the credit limit, the system closes the order and transfers it to the hotel base and the personal guest account. Along with information about the order amount, the customer's invoice details can also be transferred. If the hotel has an electronic lock system, a room key can also be used if the lock system supports it. In the simplest case, you can do without using customer cards. It is enough to indicate the room number, in this case the order will be written to the entrant from this indicated number. This interface is included in the delivery and no additional charge is required. |
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